The Gmail Junk Filter

Click on the Settings Icon

Click on See all settings

Click on Filters and blocked addresses

Click on Create a new filter

Copy the words below and paste in Include the words

Include the words {unsubscribe, safeunsubscribe, "view in browser", "view as a web page", "view on web", "opt out", "do not want to receive future e-mails"}

Hint: You can use the `Copy Code` button to copy, then paste in Gmail Include the words

Click Create filter

  1. Check Skip the Inbox (Archive it)
  2. Check Apply the label, click on New Label..., type in Junk

  1. Check Never send it to Spam
  2. Check Also apply filter to matching messages
  3. Click Create filter

You should see the junk email start moving from your Inbox to the Junk folder.

Click on your Junk folder if it appears nothing is happening and you should see a loading message.

This will take a long time if you have a relatively large inbox full of junk.

Your Inbox should now be looking a whole lot better.

Junk emails defined as per the search criteria in the filter will from now on automatically get moved to the Junk folder making your Inbox more manageable.

You can always tweak these settings by editing the filter and updating the criteria in Steps 5 & 6

Insert Exceptions

There are emails you dont want this filter to catch. Let's say for example you still want any email from Apple or from Facebook to remind you of your friend's birthday....

You can update this at any point in the future

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